こんにちは! 楓知工業の工事部ジェレミーと申します。まずは、自己紹介をさせていただきます。楓知工業に入社する前は、造船所で働いており、今はSSW(特定技能)として楓知工業にいます。
Hi! This is Jeremy from the Construction Department of Fuwa Industries. Before anything else, I would like to introduce myself a little bit. Before working at Fuwa Industries, I worked in the shipyard industry and now I am here as an SSW.
このブログは、私が神戸西インター自動車学校で 運転の勉強と運転の経験についてです。
This blog is about my experience in learning how to drive in Kobe west inter driving school and my driving experiences.
While I was learning how to drive, I realized that the traffic rules in Japan are different from the Philippines. I can say that it is strict here but you will also feel safe and confident at the same time because you know that the people really follow the rules. I also improved my Nihongo Language while I was learning how to drive. It was fun and challenging as it was also my first time learning and I'm glad I did!
この写真は、健康診断の再検査です。フィリピンの同僚の為に通訳した時のものです。同僚は病院で医師や看護師との誤解を心配する必要がありませんでした。^ - ^
This picture was when I accompanied my Filipino workmates in their yearly medical check-up and I was also their translator. My workmates do not need to worry about miscommunication with the doctors and nurses in the hospital. ^ - ^
As for this picture below, I accompanied our trainees when they took their welding exam. This is my first time driving without being accompanied by a Japanese workmate or supervisor in an expressway. At first, I was nervous because I don't really know my way around and I was not really familiar with the place but thanks to Google Maps we arrived safe and sound. (Whew!)
I think that I will have more chances to practice my Nihongo and driving skills as I am assigned whenever there is a need for a translator and driver. Who would have thought that I will have a chance to learn to drive in Japan when Japan is known to be strict and difficult with driving exams and getting a license? I am also thankful to Fuwa Industries for giving me this kind of work. Through them, I was able to grow my career and level up.
This is a picture of when I went on a business trip to Nagano Prefecture. We had the president take us out to dinner. I also drove to Nagano.
This is it for now. I hope you would also read my blog next time. It will be about my trip to our different workplaces. Thanks for reading and always remember to drive safely! ^^